Candlestick Structure
Dive into the anatomy of candlesticks and their significance in chart analysis.
Learn the origins and evolution of Japanese candlestick analysis.
Learn about the origin and evolution of candlestick charts, which started in Japan centuries ago, by rice traders, who used them to analyze the rice market, and later on they became a staple in global financial markets. You will learn why they are a valuable tool in the modern world of trading.
This will also provide you with an overview of key Japanese traders, who developed some of the most essential patterns and techniques that are still widely used by traders across the globe. Understand why technical analysis is so popular and why it is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal.
Our historical analysis will allow you to better understand the modern day use cases of Japanese candlestick charts, and to be able to apply them in your own strategies for greater performance and potential profitability. Learn from the best, and start your trading journey with AlpCaps.
Dive into the anatomy of candlesticks and their significance in chart analysis.
Learn about lot sizes and their importance in forex trading.
Understand support and resistance levels and their significance in charting.